We’re glad you stopped by to learn what we’re all about.

We invite you to join us as we seek to know Jesus better and become who he wants each of us to be. No matter where you are in life, we’re here to help you discover how you can come to know him and next steps in your journey with him.


Browse our ministries 






Connections Christmas Potluck

Saturday, December 14th

On Saturday, December 14th at 6 pm, the Connections group - for those new to Canada - is having a family Christmas Party at the church facility featuring a potluck dinner! This means everyone attending brings food and we all share together in a wonderful feast. This event will also include a program with Christmas music and some fun activities. You can register below.


Children's Christmas Musical

Sunday, December 15th

Plan now to be with us on Sunday, December 15th at 10:30 am for the children’s Christmas musical, ‘Hotel Noel’. Please note that there will be NO LIVE STREAMING of the service that Sunday.

Christmas Concert Gathering

Sunday, December 22nd

A special Christmas Concert Gathering featuring the music of guests Ali Matthews and Jacob Moon is planned for Sunday, December 22nd at 6:30 pm. Following the concert, Christmas desserts will be served in the gym. This is a free event, but an opportunity will be provided that evening to those wanting to contribute to offsetting the associated costs. Register today below.


Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

Sunday, December 24th

You are invited to join us on Christmas Eve at 6:30 pm for our Candlelight Service, a special time of carol singing, reflection and prayer before the big day! If you’re unable to be with us in-person, we invite you to join us online.

Visit Us!

Sunday Service at 10:30 am. 

Located at 3143 Sheppard Ave. E., just east of Pharmacy in Scarborough.

Parking available in church lot as well as on the various side streets around the church facility.

Watch Us Online

If unable to be with us in-person for Sunday worship, please join us online at 10:30 am for the live streaming of our service. Currently, we’re giving thought to a series called, ‘Paradox: Embracing The Mystery of God’.

In Pursuit of Jesus

Jesus is one of the most talked about figures in history. He’s notable enough that it’s worth looking into his teachings, his promises, and his resurrection. Use the links below to access an online booklet and video journey that will provide an introduction as to why Jesus is so important, and how he can positively influence your life today.

First Things First

The Scripture teaches us, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people… (1 Timothy 2:1, ESV)”

If you would like our staff ministry team to pray for you, feel free to click the link below.

3143 Sheppard Ave., East
Scarborough, ON M1T 3J7

Contact Us
Tel: 416-491-0193
Email: office@gracepointtoronto.ca

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