Men’s & Women’s Ministries

Below are the Men’s & Women’s Ministries offered at GracePoint.

Men's Group

Monthly Meeting

Men of GracePoint are invited to join a group just for you! We meet at the church facility one Saturday each month from 9 to 10:30 am for a time of faith building and fellowship, after which those that can go to a local restaurant for a quick breakfast.

Please register below if you’re interested in joining with us.



Women's Groups

Two To Choose From 

There are currently two GracePoint small groups offered specifically for women, one on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm (in-person) and the other on Thursdays at 7 pm (in-person). Both of these groups meet ever other week.



3143 Sheppard Ave., East
Scarborough, ON M1T 3J7

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