
Below are some of the Core Courses offered at GracePoint.

Baptism Core Course

Two Classes

Have you entrusted your life to Jesus as Saviour? Would you like to learn more about being baptized by immersion as a Christ-follower? If so, please indicate your interest in attending the Core Course on Baptism by registering below.

Please note that a requirement for registration is that you have been consistently attending in-person our Sunday morning worship services for at least 6 months.


Membership Core Course

Taking The Next Step

The GracePoint Core Course on Membership is designed for those that would like to become more familiar with the church – our doctrine, philosophy of ministry, organizational structure, and ministry opportunities. It is also the required class for anyone interested in becoming a church member.

If you are not already a church member and would like to register please select the ‘Registration’ button below.


3143 Sheppard Ave., East
Scarborough, ON M1T 3J7

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